Sunday, November 23, 2008

Results - Editor

Написание подредакторов ведется параллельно.Вот что и насколько процентов реализовано у редактора движка:

Material Editor 100%
Packs File System ~99%
Static Mesh Editor ~80%
Visual PostProcess Editor ~75%
Scene Editor (Actors Editor) ~75%
Skeletal Mesh Editor ~50%
Visual Scripting System (Destiny) ~50%
Physics Editor ~20%
Particles System Editor ~20%

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Теперь редактор полностью перенесен на wxWidgets. wxWidgets - удобнейшая вещь, и не нужен C# или MFC в чистом виде.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Packs and archives

Теперь работа с файлами практически полностью перенесена на виртуальную файловую систему. Стало удобнее и быстрее работать с файлами.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Source code lines count

Недавно посчитал кол-во линий в исходниках своего движка.

In engine source code : 128580 lines
In editors source code : 25122 lines
In shaders : 11574 lines

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sky by Material Editor

sky create is very easy

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

немного рабочего видео

Sunday, May 25, 2008

еще скрины

скрины lightshaft'та, все то же помещение. Скоро будет новое.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

еще возможности

Дописываю возможности движка.

2. обычные shadow maps
3. скоро сделаю стенсильные

Post effects:
1. HDR (64bit)

1. Soft particles
2. Volumetric lighting
3. Volumetric fog

и скрины, правда все то же помещение.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Features (Updated)

Last updated April 8, 2010. 

+ C++
+ Object-Oriented Design

+ DirectX 9.0
+ DirectX 10.0, 10.1(optional)
+ Way to DirectX 11

Shading, Lighting:
+ Deferred Shading
+ Forward Shading
NEW! + Radiosity Normal Maps
+ Global Illumination with Photon Mapping (in process)
+ Light Pre-Pass Rendering
+ Per-pixel lighting, more than 100 lights in frame
+ Fully dynamic lighing
+ Special Dinamic LightMaps(will give 500-1000 dynamic lights in frame)(in process)
+ more

Post Effects:
+ High-Dynamic Range Rendering
+ Low-Dynamic Range Rendering
+ Screen-space ambient occlusion
+ Per pixel Motion Blur
+ Many variations of Depth of field effect
+ Haze effect
+ Bloom
+ Gamma-correction
+ Tone mapping
+ Eyes adaptation
+ Screen Space Global Illumination Effect
+ User post effects(Visual Editor)
+ more

+ LUA scripting + luabind
+ AngelScript (optional)
+ Visual Scripting Editor
+ more

Meshes, Animations:
+ Skeletal Animation(GPU/CPU skinning)
+ Animation Blending
+ Morph meshes(in process)
+ Inverse Kinematics(in process)
+ Static meshes
+ Simply Terrain(in process)
+ Billboarding
+ more

+ Flexible material system, shaders generating (library of the prepared materials)
Any materials and effects which you can only think of :)
Sky, Whater, Rain, Decals, Fog, Sun, Volumetric Fog, Volumetric Light,
Soft particles, Reflection, Refraction, etc
+ Two-Sided Shading
+ Lens Flares
+ Subsurface scattering
+ more

Audio, Video:
+ Audiere sound library
+ FMOD (in plans)
+ Theora video

+ Frustum Culling
+ Occlusion Culling
+ Level of Detail
+ more

+ Advanced GUI system

NEW! + Multithreading
NEW! + Streaming
NEW! + Background level loading
NEW! + Shaders cache for fast loading

+ full support PhysX
+ Havok(in plans)

Networking System:
+ Client/Server Architecture,UDP,TCP(in process)

+ Plugins for 3ds max 7-12
+ Support obj, 3ds file formats (optional)
+ Collada (optional)

Engine Editors:
+ WYSIWYG Level Editor (has two modes: InGame, InEditor)
NEW! + CoreBrowser(Content,Log,Script classes,Statistics, all in one uber viewer)
+ Material Editor
+ Skeletal Mesh Editor
+ Animations Blender Editor
+ Static Mesh Viewer
+ Visual User Post Effects Editor
+ Visual Scripting System (Destiny Editor)
NEW! + SceneArtist Editor
+ Physics Editor
+ Particles System Editor
+ Visual Sound Editor
NEW! + LensFlares Editor
NEW! + UI Editor
+ more

+ more than 200K C++ source code lines
+ more than 20K shaders source code lines